In the spring of 1962, a vibrant spirit named Delilah Brenshwiki was was on vacation from college and backpacking through Europe. She found herself drawn to the Swiss Alps. Delilah, with her wild hair...Read More
In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of “goofing off” or spending time on non-productive activities is often viewed with mixed feelings. While some see it as a necessary break fr...Read More
“Does anybody remember laughter,” said Robert Plant in the early 70’s. Well time has stolen humour and laughter like a thief in the night. I realized this when revitalizing this old ...Read More
Someone told me once that you can pick up entities when you are visiting new places. Disembodied spirits and jump on and ride you to a new place. This is the kind of knoledge that I always listen to&#...Read More
Always waiting for the mystery to unravel. For life to begin. For the enormous, benevolent hand of fate to pluck you out of the crowd and put you into your rightful place. That mystery face, that life...Read More
What if someone actually proved that life went on after death ? Some test was done where someone died on an operating table and was able to see a secret number in another room or whatever and suddenly...Read More
I am sitting in a coffee shop on Hollywood Blvd at 9pm on a Saturday night and it is like a ghost town. It is astounding how fast EVERYTHING CAN CHANGE. Suddenly there are no tourists, no musicians , ...Read More
Soon we will meet our controllers. Soon the veil will be lifted. Soon we will see who lies behind the events of the day. hopefully they will be happy and fun and let us have some toys. But we ...Read More
While many are longing for 100’s of millions of dollars, many others would be happy with a donut. While some are willing to work for 40 years to retire worry free others can’t be bothere...Read More
Death is insane. You work your entire life to build, to understand to excel, and then without warning someone pulls the plug and you are gone. The question arises, “Why do anything.” And I...Read More