The Satellite is Falling. Sometime soon. They say on or before Easter. I guess that age old wisdom , “What goes up must come down,” still applies. I thought these things circled the earth forever. Now we find out they are all going to eventually fall. There are literally thousands of these hunks of metal just waiting to rain down on us. Sounds a bit like a ‘Hunger Games’ scenario . Poor people running through the streets screaming for help while piles of molten metal bombs drop on them.
Why with all this high tech don’t we know where and when the satellite is going to land. The predictions include a swath of land and sea that encompasses about half the globe. Half of this failed high tech sky-boat will make it through our protective atmosphere. We are expecting some tonnage to smack somewhere soon. The odds are pretty slim of getting hit but then again I’m extremely due for a big lotto win.