Way back in the good old days a person could get a job and do it really well and rise up in the company. By following the rules and working diligently they could achieve an eventual payoff. By giving themselves over to the company their future was secure. By giving loyalty and excellent work they and their family were assured a secure position in society. Those days seem to be over.
There are definitely still opportunities out there but if I am to believe the people I meet companies don’t think long term anymore. Everyone seems to be in it for the quick buck. Build it up , sell it and get out. Workers are seen as tools to be used and discarded, rather than part of a living, breathing company. The current model does not favor the worker, i regards him as an enemy.
The widening wealth gap has left workers like cattle , to be herded, drug tested and regulated to death. How many of us are hanging on to our jobs for dear life. This is the climate in the western world. If you go into third world countries, working can be brutal or actual slavery.
It’s a tough question no one seems to have any answer. Every young American worker seems to have plans to run their own online business but how many of these will pan out? In the words of Abraham Cloud, “I was Ideal Employee #743, here’s to you 744.”