Every day I hear the words, “millions and billions” getting bantered about in the news. They really had no meaning until I was able to put them into human terms. Imagine being diagnosed with a strange disease that required being hooked up to a some sort of life-support machine to stay alive.
Suppose that the machine cost one dollar per second to use. It would run you Sixty dollars a minute. You would have to spend almost four thousand dollars an hour to stay alive. It would run around $86,000 per day. Even a million dollars, would only keep you alive about 12 days. But a billion dollars would keep you breathing for about 32 years !!!! Isn’t that amazing !
12 days for a million. 32 years for a billion.
No wonder there is such unbridled greed and money lust filling the air these days. Billionaire is the new Millionaire.
And still I’m at waiting for the bus like a true American Bum.