When I was a child I came to believe that if I thought hard enough about something I could make it come true. I would spend time focusing on romantic scenarios, new toys or even revenge against bullies and hoping to manifest these things in the real world. This process has been called everything from creative visualization to black magic. One thing is for sure, it is common in all humanity. The belief that directed thought, or prayer can effect the material world. While it is true that almost all actions begin with thought it remains unknown to what extent thought alone can effect the outside world.
I think it is pretty clear that directed thought about one’s own body or mind can definitely have a great effect. Meditation is an example of how mental states can change the body. A mind with no peace will attract more chaos. A mind that is poisoned with hate will many times bring about disease in the body. Many songwriters have sung about the magnetic effects of the peaceful mind. In the song ‘Let it come to you’ we are advised, “If you can’t decide what to do. Relax, and let it come to you.”