In the spring of 1962, a vibrant spirit named Delilah Brenshwiki was was on vacation from college and backpacking through Europe. She found herself drawn to the Swiss Alps. Delilah, with her wild hair...Read More
Always waiting for the mystery to unravel. For life to begin. For the enormous, benevolent hand of fate to pluck you out of the crowd and put you into your rightful place. That mystery face, that life...Read More
I am sitting in a coffee shop on Hollywood Blvd at 9pm on a Saturday night and it is like a ghost town. It is astounding how fast EVERYTHING CAN CHANGE. Suddenly there are no tourists, no musicians , ...Read More
I love it when things are simple. Black and white , good and bad, conservative and liberal. Yes and No. One or Zero in digital terms. But life is full of spectrum. All everything is on the spectrum. A...Read More
When I was a child I came to believe that if I thought hard enough about something I could make it come true. I would spend time focusing on romantic scenarios, new toys or even revenge against bullie...Read More
Why were the 80’s so perfect ? Was it the Cars ? Or Gary Numan ? Or Blondie or the Pretenders or Talking Heads or Devo or maybe Joe Jackson. It was pure pop for now people fueled bu Coke and Rum...Read More
I remember growing up I would always get mad at my Mother’s protected lifeyle. She would never take any chances. I’m not talking about chances on investments or gambles, I’m talking ...Read More
I remember playing board games as a child and loving it. What a great way to have fun and spend no money. I’m not sure what happened to me or society in general but it seems we don’t do en...Read More