In the spring of 1962, a vibrant spirit named Delilah Brenshwiki was was on vacation from college and backpacking through Europe. She found herself drawn to the Swiss Alps. Delilah, with her wild hair...Read More
What if someone actually proved that life went on after death ? Some test was done where someone died on an operating table and was able to see a secret number in another room or whatever and suddenly...Read More
People are beginning to feel the walls closing in. As computers start learning on their own, we all feel a sense of doom. It would not be very hard for a truly intelligent and efficient system to defe...Read More
Feeling Overwhelmed ? Of course you are. That’s what the Age of Information is all about . We are bombarded with things to think about. New discoveries about health happen daily. Jobs become obs...Read More
It’s not uncommon for me to hear someone screaming at the top of their lungs, really pissed off in the middle of the night on my street. Now granted I live in Hollywood, which is known for crazi...Read More
The feeling is beyond belief. Watching a band or a solo acoustic player in a small club when the roof just seems to rise. When it becomes more than a song . When the walls star to breathe and you are ...Read More
Isn’t it strange that all the stuff that is supposed to set us free usually enslaves us. Booze is a great example. Originally it is the best buzz in the world. Everything is funny, you are witty...Read More
Everyone knows it was Kesha who sang “When You Go Down,” in the Flo RIda hit RIght Round. But ten years earlier Abraham Cloud had released “When You Go Down” on his second CD. A quick listen w...Read More
What’s under the moving beach towel ? The new slacker’s anthem is here to let you know. Watch closely as the towel moves and comes to life. Shot on location in Slacker Paradise Hawaii, Abr...Read More