We have all read about the fall of the Roman Empire and it seemed justified. Rich, horny bastards raping and pillaging the peasants for a thousand years finally had the price. There is movie justice i...Read More
Seems like the news is getting really intense these days. Big talk of borders and wars and threats and posturing. It can get a bit scary. especially when you know the scope of modern warfare. The wars...Read More
It’s easy to understand how people get so obsessed with marketing. It can be so fascinating to wonder why some people like some things. A recent example for me was this song “Say it like y...Read More
Have you ever sat down and figured how many days you may have left ? It is an eye-opener. With 365 per year , 10 years is only 3,650 days. So the average life is only about what 25-30 thousand days . ...Read More
Isn’t it strange that all the stuff that is supposed to set us free usually enslaves us. Booze is a great example. Originally it is the best buzz in the world. Everything is funny, you are witty...Read More
Although it covers most of our planet, we have no idea what’s on it’s floor. Most of the Ocean’s floor is a mystery. We can’t even go that deep. And yet we long to know the sur...Read More
Someone mentioned to me recently that there may be a lot of truth to the phrase, “gut reaction.” You know how everyone always says to, “Trust Your Gut.” Well as it turns out th...Read More
It’s like that amazing moment in The Flaming Lips “Soft Bulletin” album when the voice of God appears and says, “Suddenly Everything Will Change.” This is a sonic moment ...Read More
Then there comes that day , when simply wishing away is not enough. And you know you’ve had it rough . And you know the truth is out there . And you’re ready to accept . That your father m...Read More
Who would have thought Heroin would come back in full force. It’s like its a part of the American fabric always waiting to re-emerge. Perhaps a dreamy escape is at the basic building block o...Read More